Ways to Give

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty "and see if i will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." Mal 3:10

God commanded His people to tithe and His Word is abound with teachings on giving. We are to give generously, sacrificially and cheerfully. The giving of tithes and offerings is God’s way of financing the needs and ministries of His Church, and it is also a means of blessing and prospering His people.

Ways to Give

By Cash or Cheque

Please make cheque out to “Church of Singapore” and indicate which Worship Service you attend on the back of the cheque. Mail it to 145 Marine Parade Road, S(449274) or drop it into one of the offering boxes in church.

If you are giving cash, place it into the white and brown Tithes & Offering envelop, indicating which Worship Service you attend and drop it into one of the offering boxes in church. (Do not mail.)

By Internet Bank Transfer

Through your bank app, website or at the ATM machine, please make transfer to DBS Current Account 027-907296-2 and indicate which Worship Service you attend in the reference section.

By PayNow!

Through your bank app, scan the QR code below or select “transfer by UEN” and key in S65SS0040AIB2. Please indicate which Worship Service you attend in the reference section.

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