Missions Ministry

Serving and supporting 25 missions points in 8 countries

Myanmar, India, Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, and China.

Missions is an integral part of Church of Singapore. Right from the establishment of COS, our pioneer leaders ventured into West Malaysia, Riau Islands and Medan to distribute tracts, preach the Gospel and train local mission workers. In obedience to the Great Commission, we will go and make disciples of all nations through the power of the Holy Spirit by:

  • Mobilising our members to be active in missions
  • Providing opportunities for our members to serve in short-term mission trips and assignments
  • Sending and caring for cross-cultural missionaries
  • Supporting and equipping native missionaries in community development work
  • Exploring new frontiers to reach unreached people groups

"Therefore go make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything i have commanded you." Mt 28:19-20a


Apart from loving and supporting our missions points overseas, we also minister to our local migrant worker community through interactive activities and the distribution of love gifts

Mission Trips Schedule

“The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few…”

We welcome you to join us on our next Mission Trip. Click on the button below to sign up now!

Missions Resources

Missions Prayer Guide

Missions News

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