Behold the Harvest, It’s Missions Time!

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.– Matthew 28:19-20

This year, for Missions Month, we will be organising a Convention over the weekend from 19 – 21 July, Friday to Sunday, where we have a series of sermons and a workshop which would be preached by our distinguished guest speaker, Dr Walter McConnell – who currently serves as the Missions Research Head of OMF International.

Over 3 days and as a 3-part sermon series, Dr. McConnell will be sharing about how, as worshippers of Jesus, we are not only called to catch His vision of spreading the Gospel, but more importantly, to take action and be called to the nations.

We strongly encourage you to come for Friday and Saturday night services for that weekend, in addition to usual Sunday service, so as not to miss out the first 2-parts of Dr. McConnell’s message!

In addition, there is a Saturday afternoon workshop conducted by Dr. McConnell to explore the themes of discipleship in mission work. This would be happening just before Saturday Bilingual Service, so I would encourage you to come spend the whole Saturday afternoon with us on 20 July!

The details for the services and the workshop are shown on the side.

Save the weekend to hear from Dr. McConnell and be reinvigorated and excited about missions work!


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