AGM 2024

Date: 24.02.2024 (Sat)
Time: 2pm
Venue: Chapel, 2nd storey
Lunch reception: 12:30pm

The Annual General Meeting for this year is scheduled to take place in the church on the 24th of February 2023, commencing at 2 pm. Lunch will be provided at 12:30pm. Please approach your pastoral staff for a lunch ticket if you will like to join us for lunch.

Attendance is strongly encouraged for all members! Your presence and engagement are highly valued as we convene to understand and discuss important matters of the church.

If you are not able to attend the AGM in person but will like to particiate, you may do so via proxy. Scan the QR code for the proxy form. You may also obtain one from your pastoral staff. Please complete and return the proxy forms to us by 4PM, 15th February.

The Notice of AGM is now available. Click on the button below to view.
A copy of the Notice and the audited accounts have been put up on the Notice Board at the church reception (4th storey).

Date: 17.02.2024 (Sat)
Time: 11am
Venue: Galilee Hall, 4th storey​

Please submit any queries you may have either by clicking the button below and filling out the digital form or by writing to our church office.

Queries have to be received no later than 15.02.2024 (Thu). Queries clarified at this session may not be addressed again at the AGM.

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